Python - Self Learning in a Fast & Simple Way


 Python - Self Learning Part 2

Python Strings

String is a series of characters enclosed within quotes (single, double, or triple quotes). To access the strings, we use slice operator. String characters start at index 0 instead of 1, means that first character is at index (place) 0. It is good to know when you want to determine or access the string characters. We can concatenate strings in Python, and we use + operator (sign). The asteric * symbol is used for repeating strings. # is used to write statement/comments or explanation which will not show in coding result. Please be noted that space between two characters also considered as a character.



welcome = "Welcome Back"

print (welcome) #to print the complete string

Welcome Back


E.g., print (welcome [0]) # to print the first character of the string.



e.g., print (welcome [2:9]) # to print from 3rd character to 9th character but 9th character will not show

lcome B


e.g., print (welcome [4:]) # to print from 5th character of the string

ome Back


e.g., print (welcome * 2) # to print the string two times

Welcome BackWelcome Back


e.g., print (welcome + “Thank You”) # to print a concatenate string

Welcome BackThank You

In above examples, we noticed that there are not space in between two words, to make a space in strings we have to write quote (“ ”).

Python Tuples


Tuples are collection of Python data types that cannot be modified or changed but can be arranged in a specific sequence or order. Tuples allows duplicate items are written within round brackets () e.g.

Tuple = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”)

Print (Tuple)

Result = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”)

Similar to Python strings, you can also select a particular string in tuple while referencing in square brackets []. E.g.

Tuple = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”)

Print (Tuple[2]

Result = (“string003”)


The concept of negative indexing in Python can also be applied in Tuple as:

Tuple = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”, “string005”)

Print (Tuple [-2])

Result = (“string004”)


We can also specify a range of indexes in Tuple by giving start and end range. E.g.

Tuple = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”, “string005”)

Print (Tuple [1:4])

Result = (“string002”, “string003”, “string004”)

Please be noted, 1st item is at position 0 and 4th item in the range is not included.


We can also specify a negative range of indexes in Python Tuples. E.g.

Tuple = (“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”, “string005”)

Print (Tuple [-5:-2])

Result = (“string004”, string002”)

1st item is at position -1 and final position -5 is not included in the output.

We cannot change the data value of Python in tuples but can update it. E.g.

x = ("apple", "banana", "mango", "orange")

y = list(x)

y[2]= "grapes"

x = tuple(y)


result = ('apple', 'banana', 'grapes', 'orange')


We can also find out the length of a python tuple by using “len()” function e.g.,

Tuple = ("apple", "banana", "mango", "orange")

Print (len (Tuple))

Result = 4

We cannot delete any item specifically from the tuple but can delete it entirely by using “del” keyword to delete the tuple completely. E.g.


We can join multiple tuples by using ‘+’ logical operator, e.g.


x = ("apple", "banana", "mango", "orange")

y = (1, 2, 3)

z = x + y

print (z)

result = x = ("apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", 1, 2, 3)

Python Booleans

Booleans represent one of two values: True or False. It’s used in comparison, and valuation, verification, and confirmation of two data values. E.g.

Print (80>70)


Print (70==60)


Print (90<80)



Look at the bool () function, which allows for the comparison of numerical as well as strings data in ‘True’ or ‘False’ Boolean values as:

Print (bool (66))


Print (bool (“Good Night”))


X = “Just go with it”

Print (bool (X))


Y = 4.67

Print (bool(Y))


Please be noted that:

    1-   If a statement has data, it will be confirmed as ‘True’.

    2-   All string data values will be, “True” unless it is empty.

    3-   All numeric values will be treated as “True” except ‘0’.

    4-   Lists, tuples, Sets, dictionaries will be evaluated as “true” unless empty.

    5-   Empty value like (), {}, [], “”, are “False”, None & 0 will also be “False”. 

  6-   Any object resulting due to “len” function that results data value as “0” or “False” is also “False”.


    Python Lists

Lists are collection of data types which can be organized, changed, & include duplicate values. Lists are written in square brackets [].

e.g., x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]



we can select the desired string from lists by calling the position. Like:

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004]

print (x [2])

Outcome = “string003”

Similarly negative index in Python list is depicted as:

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

print (x [-3])

outcome = [“string002”]


Range of Indexes

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”, “string005”]

print (x [2:4])

outcome = [“string003”, “string004”]


if you donot mention the start range it will take from 0. E.g.,

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

print (x[ :3])

outcome = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]


Same way if you donot mention end of the range, outcome will be till end of the list.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

print (x [1: ]

[“string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

    Range of negative Indexes

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

print (x [-3:-1]

[“string002”, “string003”]

Last item is at position -1 which is not included.


Change the data value by referring index number and assigning new value. E.g.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

x [3] = “surprise”


output = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “surprise”]


length of a python list

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

print (len (x))

Outcome = 3


Adding new value by using built-in “append ()” method. E.g.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

x.append (“surprise”)

print (x)

outcome = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “surprise”]


Adding a new value at a specific position by using “inser ()” method.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

x.insert (1, “surprise”)

print (x)

Outcome = [“string001”, “surprise”, “string003”]


Copy an existing python list by using built-in “copy ()” and/or “list ()” method.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

y = x.copy ()


outcome = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

y = list(x)


outcome = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]


there are multiple ways to delete items from the list: “remove ()”, “pop ()”, “del ()”, & “clear ()”.

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

x.remove (“string002”

print (x)

outcome = [“string001”, “string003”, “string004”]


x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

x.pop ()

print (x)

outcome = x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]


x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

del (x[2])

print (x)

outcome = [“string001”, “string002”, “string004”]


x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

del (x)

print (x)

outcome = …..


x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, “string004”]

x.clear ()

print (x)

outcome = [ ]


Concatenation of Lists

You can add multiple lists with the use of “+”, “append ()”, and “extend ()”. E.g.,

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

y = [5, 10, 15]

z = x + y

print (z)

output = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, 5, 10, 15]

for x in y

x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

y = [5, 10, 15]

x.append (x)

print (x)

output = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, 5, 10, 15]


x = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”]

y = [5, 10, 15]

x.extend (y)

print (x)

output = [“string001”, “string002”, “string003”, 5, 10, 15]

Python Sets

Sets are collection of data types that cannot be organized and indexed. No duplicate items in sets and are shown in curly bracket {}.

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Print (set)

{“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}


Python sets are not arranged, so you cannot select the items by referencing the position same as in tuples and lists. However, the “for” loop can be used in sets.

We cannot directly change the value once it is created in python sets. We can use “add ()” method to add a single item or “update ()” to one or more items to an already existing set. E.g.,


Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”}

Set.add (“dates”)

Print (set)

{“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”}

Set.update (“dates”, “cashews”, “pistachios”)

Print (set)

{“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”, “cashews”, “pistachios”}


We can determine the length of set by using “len()” function e.g.,

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”, “cashews”, “pistachios”}

Print (len (set))

Outcome = 6


To delete a specific item from the set, “remove ()” and “discard ()” methods can be used e.g.,

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Set.remove (“walnut”)

Print (set)

{“pine”, “almond”, “dates”}


Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Set.discard (“almond”)

Print (set)

{“pine”, “walnut”, “dates”}


“Pop()” method used for deleting the last item. As we know that sets are not organized, so, what system will think last item will be deleted and result will be item removed e.g.,


Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

A= set.pop ()

Print (A)

Print (set)

{“pine”, “almond”, “dates”}


“del” keword is used to delete the entire python set e.g.,

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Delete set

Print (set)

Output = name ‘set’ is not defined.


“clear ()” method can be used to delete all items from set except variables. E.g.,

Set = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

Set.clear ()

Print (set)

Output = set ()


We can join multiple data sets by using “union ()” method. Output will be a new set, combination of both sets. We can use “update ()” method as well to inject one set to another set. E.g.,

setA = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

setB = {3, 15, 20, 40}

setC = setA.union (setB)

print (setC)

outcome = {“pine”, “3”, “almond”, “15”, “walnut”, “20’, “dates”, “40”}


setA = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}

setB = {3, 15, 20, 40}


print (setA)

outcome = {“pine”, “15”, “almond”, “3”, “dates”, “20’, “walnut” “40”}


we can also use “set ()” set constructor to create a new set e.g.,

setA = set ((“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”))

print (setA)

Result = {“pine”, “almond”, “walnut”, “dates”}


Python consists of several built-in functions to use the integers. It only runs when it is called. Python library has number of modules and to use the functions on these modules, we must import the modules. E.g., how to call a function,

Function name (parameters), Lists – also called as “arrays” helps in grouping various types of data.



These are unordered associative arrays that can be implemented using hash tables. These are used to store data in key. E.g., how to create, add & delete entries in dictionary.

#make phone book: Phonebook = {‘Ali’:12345,\ ‘Maaz’:67894,\ ‘Saba’:67893,\ ‘Bira’:65732}

#add the person ‘Muhammad’ to the phonebook: Phonebook [‘Muhammad’] = 12375

Del phonebook [‘Saba’]


Data Analysis